Livre d'or et commentaires Monaco
Martine de Montmollin ‐ Aarau Le 30-04-2007 à 20:43
C'est toujours avec plaisir que je reviens à Monaco. Les gens y sont agréables, les journées actives et les soirées intéressantes.
Igor - Vranje-Serbia ‐ Vranje Le 30-04-2007 à 07:53
Great, great, great place... that monaco.
I spent two days last year in monaco, and I m inlove....
Now, this days my wife is in the monaco.. and I hope that she will be back.. If not, who care.. I will understand WNHY...
Bojan Dimovski - ZAK Le 10-04-2007 à 13:42
I hope I will fulfill my dream one day, and become cicizen of Monaco. If there is some place in the planete earth that could be called as paradise...that for sure is Monaco
Great site. Great job.
Christine Varty ‐ Durham, England Le 10-04-2007 à 08:05
Hello There
Great interesting site, Love comming to the area, have been many times before. Will be visiting in May and October of this year, really enjoying bringing new friends and family for the experience. Keep up the good work, and thank you.
Malaver ‐ Cundinamarca Le 09-04-2007 à 20:23
Felecitaciones, por la tranquilidad que brindan
Sergio Ricsrdo Martins Peres ‐ Benidorm Le 09-04-2007 à 18:41
Yo y mi mujer estuviemos visitando Monaco este año e puedo decir que es una de las ciudades mas hermosas que vi en mi vida.
MATTEO BRAMBILLA ‐ MONZA (MI) Le 09-04-2007 à 18:03
Adoro Monte-Carlo....è un paradiso in cui tutto funziona..dove ti senti sicuro...e dove relax e divertimento si fondono in un'unica cosa......
E' uno dei posti migliori dove vivere.
A presto cara e vecchia monaco....
Carlos collao grandez ‐ Lima Le 27-04-2007 à 00:57
Bello pais ojala algun dia pueda vistarlo y gozar de tanta belleza.
Alain San Giorgio ‐ Charlottesville Le 21-05-2007 à 18:08
My Love shall always be in Monaco
Athens greece Le 21-05-2007 à 14:49
What a wonderful place to live.