Oceanographic museum

Oceanographic museum With a world-wide reputation, this exceptional museum is dedicated to all marine sciences. Its collections of marine fauna collected by Prince Albert 1st are invaluable. Its famous “Aquarium” where the rarest species of fish in magnificent shapes and colours swim about in 90 pools, offers a grandiose spectacle.
Its latest creation, the “Shark Lagoon”, a giant pool of 450 cubic metres, reveals the diversity and extraordinary colouring of the coral reef and the creatures which populate it.

Opening hours

Open daily (except the day of the Formula 1 Grand-Prix) :
- April to June: 9.30am – 7pm
- July and August: 9.30am – 7.30pm
- September: 9.30am – 7pm
- October to March: 10am – 6pm

Visit duration: 2 ½ hours.

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