Livre d'or et commentaires Monaco

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Mirko Garbellini ‐ Modena Le 27-11-2012 à 17:48

A MonteCarlo ho vissito momenti indimenticabili e meravigliosi.
A Natale sara' il 10 anno che vengo a Monaco.
Momenti indimenticabili e organizzazione eccellente.
Molti molti complimenti.
Dott. Mirko Garbellini

GastonP ‐ PAris Le 10-11-2012 à 19:03

Merci pour ces renseignements utiles

Babass ‐ Marseille Le 05-11-2012 à 15:51

C est un très beau site

De Villers JM ‐ Banff Le 01-11-2012 à 18:40

Sir ,
its with pleasure , that I receive your news from Monaco, We had the Honor to receive the honorable Prince in Calgary Alberta many times and Banff ,at the famous Banff spring Hotel,
I will be In Monaco , in the next year, to visite my associate and, may be thinking about moving over there, your country is so beautifull, and your people so nice,
with regards , JMDVS

Piotr ‐ Lodz Le 31-10-2012 à 20:11

Hi, I load my batteries here :)

Susy ‐ Florence Le 31-10-2012 à 18:25

This is a beautiful, nice and interesting site.

Joseph Andre Ramirez ‐ +656 Le 13-10-2012 à 22:09

I am joseph andre ramirez from philippines ,monaco for me is wonderful

Aicha ‐ Napoli Le 11-09-2012 à 15:42

Complimenti questo sito è davvero molto chiaro, aggiungerei solo qualche fotografia in + soprattutto dell'interno del palazzo

Parking ‐ Parkingow Le 04-09-2012 à 15:44


super site, j'ai vraiment apprécié mon séjour. merci

je salue

Ingrid ‐ Amsterdam Le 20-08-2012 à 12:11

Visited on sunday the 12th of August the Maison de Monaco in London, at the Olympic games there. Was a wonderful experience and I wish to thank again for the very nice and useful Goody Bag.
Looking foreward to next trip to Monaco in September.

Nombre de message : 3218

Lopez de la Osa & Franco Real Estate - Emploi Monaco

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