Livre d'or et commentaires Monaco

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Nombre de message : 3218

Marguarite Le 24-07-2004 à 04:15

Am only surprised to read of 300 annual days of sunshine there. Here in Colorado its unusual monsoon rain, post-drought. I had hoped to present Native American weavings to Monte Carlo Auctions and had no respond from Princess Grace Forum last year; now am in dire straights financially, and maybe homeless by September. Etonné

Werner Gessner ‐ Sharm el Sheikh / Egypt Le 06-08-2004 à 11:17

The most elegant,beach resort area in the world, truly elegant.

OB ‐ USA Le 06-08-2004 à 02:59

Hoping to visit Monte Carlo in 2005!


Stefania ‐ Torino Le 05-08-2004 à 17:48

Io vengo a Montecarlo da 15 anni ed è sempre come se fosse la prima volta...
E' il mio paradiso ed il mio sogno è di risiedere qui un giorno!
Sto arrivando!!!! (Per le vacanze!!) mdr

Domenico ‐ Le 05-08-2004 à 08:11




CARLOS GUSTAVO VILLALBA ‐ Argentina - Buenos Aires Le 01-08-2004 à 19:31

Hola a todos:

Vos a conocer este lugar que denominan tan maravilloso, me gustaria contactarme con personas que hable español. Mi e-mail

Hermione54 ‐ france Le 30-07-2004 à 18:39

Bonjour à tous
je suis venue à Monaco pour la première fois à l'age de de 12 ans.
j'y suis revenue l'an dernier, et je dois dire que ce lieu, me fais toujours autant réver aux contes de fées.malgrés mes 30 ans! ;)


WALTER ‐ boom Le 20-07-2004 à 23:07

:) une vacance que je n'oublirais jamais : quand j'étais à Monaco !

Albert w bleau jr ‐ USA Le 15-07-2004 à 18:58

I believe I am a relative and descendant of the family of the former Prince Rainier III. I have recently been going through my father's papers and I found the birth certificate of my grandmother. My grandmother and mother were born in France and lived in Paris for many years. My motherr was born in Paris in 1912.

My grandmother's maiden name was "Reigner". According to my father who is deceased, this was the orginal family of Prince Rainier and the name was changed over the years to the present spelling.

I have an original copy of the birth certificate.

Besides myself, I have a brother and a sister. Two brothers have recently passes away. Between us, including my deceased brothers, we have seven children and seven grand children, eleven males and three females. All the grandchildren are boys.

Please forward this message to the Prince and the Princess. Thank you. Albert Bleau

Gérald Coutaz Le 15-07-2004 à 10:43

Merci pour votre excellent site qui est, à Genève, mon trait d'union avec ma ville et ma Principauté préférées.
A l'exception d'un ou deux bâtiments, l'urbanisation monégasque ne comble pas mes goûts mais son soleil, ses plages (merci Eric), ses habitants, ses bars-restaurants (merci Sassa), son port et ses beaux bateaux (merci Stephano et Evelyne),ses Princes et Princesses (respectueusement merci),ses boutiques et hôtels (merci Le Méridien), ses femmes soignées...font que chaque année j'y suis, j'y retourne...j'y vivrai un jour::-up
Bisous à tous et à bientôt, là, j'arrive...:-*:-*:-*:-up:-up:-upMdr:-up Mdr:-dn

Nombre de message : 3218

Lopez de la Osa & Franco Real Estate - Emploi Monaco

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