Ufficio turistico di Monaco

2 Boulevard des Moulins, Monaco

Office National de Tourisme de Monaco At the Tourism Office, the hostesses give you several maps of Monaco, brochures and flyers about museums and monuments, and some coupons in order to make your visit enven more pleasant. You can them any question you like, they will answer you with great pleasure. They also inform you that other offices are dispached in Monaco so they can help you if you need some information when visiting Monaco.

As you leave the Tourist Office, you decide to take a few minutes to read your documentation. You seat on a bench in the Casino Gardens that are just behind. While reading the brochures, you are more and more enthusiast about discovering Monaco. There are so many things to see and you only have one day ! You think that there is not a minute to lose and you decide to :

You can find other clues by visiting « Monte-Carlo by Night »

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