What's the average salary in Monaco?

It is very difficult to give an average salary value for the Principality because this country is the country of all superlatives: price per m², number of nationalities represented, GDP per capita ...

In Monaco, the public sector employs 4,776 people and the private sector 53,091 (IMSEE 2019 figures)
For the two sectors combined, there are 63.2% French, 14.2% Italians, 6.3% Portuguese, 4% Monegasques, 1.4% British and 10.7% other nationalities .

One of the official values is the Minimum Interprofessional Growth Salary.
On January 1, 2020 it was € 10.15 per hour, or € 1,715.35 per month for 39 hours of work per week.


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